Subscription Permissions

Understanding and configuring the subscription permission system in Fireact SaaS


The subscription permission system in Fireact SaaS provides a flexible way to control access to different parts of your subscription-based application. It includes built-in permission levels and supports custom permissions.

Permission System Architecture

The permission system consists of three main components:

  1. Permission Configuration in saasConfig.json
  2. ProtectedSubscriptionRoute component for route protection
  3. useSubscription hook for permission checks

Built-in Permission Levels

1. Owner Permission

  • Special permission level (owner)
  • Automatically assigned to the subscription creator
  • Cannot be configured in saasConfig.json
  • Highest level of access
  • Required for billing operations and critical subscription management
  • Checked by comparing subscription.owner_id with currentUser.uid

2. Admin Permission

  • Configured permissions with admin: true
  • Typically used for user management and settings
  • Can manage other users’ permissions
  • Cannot perform owner-specific operations

3. Basic Access

  • Permissions with default: true
  • Granted to all subscription members by default
  • Used for general subscription features

Configuring Permissions

Permissions are defined in saasConfig.json:

  "permissions": {
    "access": {
      "label": "Access",
      "default": true,
      "admin": false
    "admin": {
      "label": "Administrator",
      "default": false,
      "admin": true
    "custom-permission": {
      "label": "Custom Permission",
      "default": false,
      "admin": false

Each permission has three properties:

  • label: Display name for the permission
  • default: Whether the permission is granted by default to all users
  • admin: Whether this permission grants administrative privileges

Adding New Permission Levels

  1. Define the new permission in saasConfig.json:
  "permissions": {
    "reports-access": {
      "label": "Reports Access",
      "default": false,
      "admin": false
  1. Use the permission in your routes:
<Route path={paths.reports} element={
  <ProtectedSubscriptionRoute requiredPermissions={['reports-access']}>
    <ReportsComponent />
} />

Using ProtectedSubscriptionRoute

The ProtectedSubscriptionRoute component provides flexible permission checking:

interface ProtectedSubscriptionRouteProps {
  children: ReactNode;
  requiredPermissions?: string[];
  requireAll?: boolean;

Basic Usage

// Single permission
<ProtectedSubscriptionRoute requiredPermissions={['admin']}>
  <AdminPanel />

// Owner-only access
<ProtectedSubscriptionRoute requiredPermissions={['owner']}>
  <BillingSettings />

Advanced Usage

  1. Multiple Permissions (ANY):
// User needs either admin OR editor permission
  requiredPermissions={['admin', 'editor']} 
  <ContentManager />
  1. Multiple Permissions (ALL):
// User needs both reports-access AND data-export permissions
  requiredPermissions={['reports-access', 'data-export']} 
  <AdvancedReports />

Permission Checking Logic

The ProtectedSubscriptionRoute component follows this logic:

  1. If no permissions are required (requiredPermissions is empty):

    • Allows access to authenticated users
  2. If owner permission is required:

    • Checks if current user is the subscription owner
    • Other permissions are ignored
  3. For other permissions:

    • Validates all required permissions exist in config
    • If requireAll is true:
      • User must have ALL specified permissions
    • If requireAll is false (default):
      • User must have AT LEAST ONE of the specified permissions
  4. If permission check fails:

    • Redirects to home page
    • Logs error for invalid permissions

Best Practices

  1. Permission Naming:

    • Use descriptive, hyphenated names
    • Follow a consistent naming pattern
    • Document the purpose of each permission
  2. Permission Grouping:

    • Group related permissions
    • Consider permission hierarchies
    • Use requireAll for complex access requirements
  3. Security Considerations:

    • Always use the most restrictive permissions necessary
    • Regularly audit permission assignments
    • Test permission combinations thoroughly
  4. Error Handling:

    • Provide clear feedback for permission denials
    • Log permission check failures
    • Handle edge cases gracefully

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing the subscription permission system in your Fireact SaaS application.

Last modified November 21, 2024: added docs (bba7b8c)